Games: Lançamentos da Semana (05 à 11 de Outubro)

Opa, não, eu não esqueci. Apena não deu tempo de criar o post com os lançamentos desta semana. Canetas e papel na mão para anotar os principais lançamentos? Otimo, lá vai:

Segunda (Oct. 6)
Nancy Drew: The Haunting of Castle Malloy (PC)
Line Rider 2: Unbound (Wii)
Game Party 2 (Wii)
CID The Dummy (Wii, PC, PSP, PS2)

Terça (Oct. 7)
Fracture (PS3, 360)
Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway (PC)
NBA Live 09 (PSP, PS3, 360, PS2)
NBA 2K9 (PS2, PS3, 360)
NBA Live 09 All-Play (Wii)
NBA 09 The Inside (PSP, PS3, PS2)
Crash Bandicoot: Mind Over Mutant (PS2, DS, Wii, 360)
Disney Sing It (PS3, 360, PC)
Midnight Club: LA Remix (PSP)
My Spanish Coach (PSP)
The Guild 2: Venice (PC)
Ten Pin Alley 2 (Wii)
Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals (DS)
Sniper – Art of Victory (PC)
Six Flags Fun Park (PC, PS2)
Prey the Stars (DS)
Onimusha: The Essentials (PS2)
Kage Densetsu: The Legend of Kage 2 (DS)
Imagine Fashion Designer New York (DS)
Imagine Babysitters (DS)
Guilty Gear 2: Overture (360)
Exodus from the Earth (PC)
Everlight (PC)
Etch A Sketch (PC)
Can You See What I See (PC)
Bleach: Dark Souls (DS)
Army Men: Soldiers of Misfortune (Wii)

Quarta (Oct. 8)
MLB Stickball (360)

Quinta (Oct. 9)
Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars (PS3)

Sexta (Oct. 10)
Cake Mania: Baker’s Challenge (PS2, PSP)

Chegando perto do fim do ano sempre tem games que merecem atenção toda a semana. Desta eu estou de olho em:

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